So You Want to Drop Weight?

Reasons to lose weight:

1. To love & be happier with yourself for having a body that allows you do things you couldn't do before such as running, hiking & rock climbing.

2. To be able to put on skinny jeans, short shorts/other tight clothing or go to the beach in a bikini and not feel shame and embarrassment over your body. Clothes will be more comfortable, cheaper and easier to find.

3. To stop feeling like you've failed at life some how and feel more confident and less afraid to go out more.

4. To climb the stairs and get to the top without having to stop halfway to catch your breath.

5. To be able to get on the scales and be absolutely proud of your achievements and your new weight.

6. To have friends, family and co-workers compliment on how good you look instead of criticizing you.

7. To be able to actually smile at the camera & love it when people take your photo. No more running and hiding!

8. No more achy breaky back! No more sore arms or legs! No more knee problems! No more sore feet!

9. To walk into a room and be the healthiest looking person there.

10. To be able to eat something and not feel guilty about it the next day or have people stare at you while your at the buffet.

11. To be able to walk in the room and not worry about having people stare at you because your obese.

12. To Not have people putting you down and hurting your feelings by telling you that you need to lose weight.

13. To be able to actually enjoy shopping & buy whatever you want because it finally looks good on you.

14. To have more energy to spend time doing the things you love to do such as dancing,surfing etc.

15. To minimize the chances of stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes or cancer so that you can live longer and embrace life.

16. play with your children without being out of breath within 30 seconds.

17. To be able to look in the mirror and look like a brand new person.

18. Get rid of the double chin and round chubby face.

19. Hurry up and lose it all so you can forget about having to lose weight.

20. Get a sexy toned stomach. Who wouldn't want to flaunt some abs right?

21. Won't break a chair when you sit on a flimsy plastic one.

22. To be able to move walk faster with ease.

23. You will be able to swing on a swing without worrying about breaking it or get in the car and put the seat belt on with ease or even ride a motorbike without having your extra weight hanging over the side of the seat.

24. To set a good example for other over weight people or children and even encourage them to lose weight too.

25. To be able to ride a horse without worrying about hurting it.

26. To be able to reach your shoes and tie them without any hassle.

27. To be able to get on a plane without trouble.

28. To be able to reach your toes so you can clip your toenails without any problems.

29. To not get upset when someone asks how much you weigh

30. To have people tell you that they wish they had a body like you

These are are some of the hundreds of reasons to lose weight. Every now and then take these and visualize yourself in a few months from now and think about how good it will feel to make these achievements in your life. Focusing on these will help you keep you motivated.

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