Fat Loss In The New Year

The reason you start does matter, but other reasons are sure to pop up along the way.
 One aspiration or goal such as losing fifty lbs. in eighteen months is sure to get you started, but I strongly advise to break that goal down and focus on achieving seemingly minuscule goals.
 Let me give you an example.
 I had a client seek my help on the third day of January, 2013. Let's call her Cynthia.

-Cynthia didn't care for exercise, but was finally fed up with the way she looked and was ready for a change.

- She didn't even like to "glisten" (sweat) as she called it.

- I asked her what her goals were as I do with everyone and she told me that she wanted to "get in better shape". That was simply not going to cut it.

- After asking her a few follow up questions we were able to clarify exactly what she wanted to accomplish and what "getting in better shape" actually meant.

You see, it is very hard to stay accountable to your goals if they are not specific and based on a timeframe. Let's get back to Cynthia.
 We figured out that she wanted to lose forty pounds and eight percent body fat by January, 2014.
 I further broke this goal into smaller monthly goals. All she had to do to reach her big goal was lose 3.33 lbs. a month! Her response: that should be no problem at all! She was even more excited when we further broke this down to losing under a pound per week
 I am so infinitely proud to say that Cynthia decided to train with me and by this day December 23, 2013 she has lost 32 pounds.
 I could not be more proud and she surprised everyone, including herself.

My purpose for writing this article is to attempt to dissuade you from entertaining the skeptics who downplay your resolution to exercise consistently.
 If you find the urge to take advantage of the positive energy of the resolution season, then do it! Ride this wave as far as it takes you.
 When the time comes to catch another wave (reason or goal) you'll be ready to keep surfing.
 I have a professional obligation to say that you should find someone to help you break down your goals and hatch a plan.
 Is it best that you find a trainer? Yes, it is, but it doesn't have to be. It could just as easily be anyone with considerable exercise experience that has a positive influence on you.
 Make the right decision and choose hope and optimism over cynicism, no matter how many times you have tried and failed! Once you dedicate yourself this fitness thing is too easy.

Go to http://www.shermanoaksfitnesscenter.com to download your free report on getting 6-pack abs. My name is Patrick Williams and I am a fat loss expert and personal trainer in Sherman Oaks, CA. I am the owner/operator of FuelRX Fitness on Riverside Dr. Our goal is to help Sherman Oaks be the fittest community in California.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.

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