The Caveman Diet: A Guide to Paleo Dieting

What is the Paleo Diet?
The Paleo Diet, also known as the caveman diet was created on the basis that humans should go back to a natural and unprocessed way of eating, much like our ancient predecessors.

It sounds like another fad diet but as you learn about it you'll realize it makes a lot of sense. The diet tries to keep us away from these chemically processed foods, sugar, and other foods are known for inducing obesity as well as a whole but of auto-immune disorders and cardiovascular disease.

There's a good amount of wiggle room in the diet which I like too. For instance, there isn't the pressure that if you don't follow it EXACTLY then you won't see results. The truth is that some paleo eaters follow their preferences. For example, some will follow low-carb versions while others may have a protein packed paleo diet.

Recently there have been a ton of evidence which shows that people who follow a paleo way of eating are reducing their risk of disease as well as improving their energy, body composition, and general health.

What NOT to eat

No Sugar- Sugar is known for giving you that quick energy and then the inevitable crash. It is completely unnatural unless you get it from a fruit. Unfortunately, this sweet tasting devil causes all types of problems within our bodies

No Grains- Yes, that's right. Grains were never part of our ancestor's diet. They focused more on agriculture and hunting. Carbs from grains turn into glucose(type of sugar) which gives you some energy. However, the energy that isn't used is stored as fat.

No processed foods- How do you know if something is processed? Usually if it comes in a box, it's processed. Also, be careful because some meats are also processed as well.

Dairy- Dary intake is limited in the paleo diet.

Paleo Diet food guide

Vegetables: You can eat as much as you want but don't fry these. Cooking options include boiled or steamed. (No potatoes, corn, or beans)

Fish: this includes any wild fish

Meat: Any kind of meat you want! Make sure you are not getting any grain fed meat. Try to get grass fed meat for the most benefits to your body.

Fruits: be careful with fruits because some are high in sugar and CAN actually make you gain weight
Nuts: these are a great snack choice instead of chips and cookies.

 They provide a good amount of energy

Eggs: eggs are packed with protein and are a great breakfast option. Of course, try to limit the yolk part of the egg because it is linked with high cholesterol.

Healthy Fat: flax seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil

Sample Paleo Diet

This is just an example and all you have to do it get a good idea of what we're trying to accomplish here. We are trying to limit grains altogether as well as jam-pack it with some nice proteins and vegetables.
Fruits are the next important item on our list with healthy fats to top it off. If you follow a diet similar to this the results will be inevitable.

Breakfast: Sunny-side up eggs w/ banana
Lunch: Tuna Salad wrap (not bread, with lettuce)
Dinner: Grilled chicken with asparagus/broccoli
Snack: Beef jerky

Breakfast: Create your own cereal! A bowl of berries with some cocunut or almond milk
Lunch: Any kind of salad with some protein meat, Caesar salad with grilled chicken
Dinner: Chicken cutlet with sweet potato fries
Snack: almonds and a hard boiled egg

Breakfast: Egg whites with bacon
Lunch: Chicken soup with vegetables
Dinner: Steak with any type of vegetables
Snack: Banana and an apple

Breakfast: An omelet. You can include tomatoes, peppers, onions, bacon, turkey sausage,broccoli,whateve
Lunch: Cold cuts over a salad with vinegar and olive oil
Dinner: Meat and Veggie stir fry
Snack: Can of tuna

Breakfast: A fruit/vegetable smoothie. Be creative and try some new recipes!
Lunch: A salad or a soup
Dinner: Any protein with any vegetable
Snack: Nuts, an orange, an apple

The basic template for the day:
Breakfast: Could have any meat with some eggs
Lunch: A soup, salad, any vegetables, lean meat
Dinner: A protein with heavy assortment of vegetables
Snack: Any of the healthy snacks discussed, nuts, fruits, tuna, etc

Once you have the basic template down, the search begins. Start looking up some good recipes packed with vegetables and start planning your diet before you start it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to count calories?

The beauty of it is that you don't even have to count calories. The reason is that you're eating whole and natural foods, most of which aren't even high in calories. A couple of servings of broccoli is only 150-200 calories at most compared to 1 serving of pasta or rice that equates to more than that.

Do I have to eat every three hours?

Eat when your hungry, period. Why are you going to force yourself to eat every two hours or three hours if you might not be hungry. In today's busy society its really hard to stay on a schedule like that. If you fill your body with HEALTHY calories then you'll automatically create that calorie deficit that will help you lose weight gradually.

Why are we trying to eat like cavemen?

Yes you would be eating like a caveman, but is that such a bad thing? After watching some documentaries about the food industry it's shocking how some corporations are processing their foods. In this day in age we don't know exactly what's being put into our food. Just looking at a food's ingredients list will leave you confused because of all the terms we just don't understand.

No grains? What's up with that?

The diet recommends a limited amount of carbs. It isn't one of those dangerous low carb diets but its just a natural fact that if you limit the amount of carbs you take in you can essential burn fat much quicker instead of going through your energy stores.

Grains contain anti-nutrients and also leads to carb addiction. Also, eating excess grains leads to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

Vegetables... every... day... every meal?

I'm sorry to say this but vegetables are so good for us. I know it, you know it. Now, you don't have to eat them at EVERY single meal but the more you eat, the better. They fill you up and keeps your body balanced. Not to mention they're also loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body loves.

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Dex 3 Diet Pills Side Effects - Read More About the Side Effects of Dex 3

Do Dex 3 Diet Pills Work?

The answer is YES. Dex 3, is a very powerful and clinically proven weight loss and fat burning supplement which has been reviewed and rated as one of the most effect fat burners of 2013. Dex 3 works by eliminating fat cells while intensifying your metabolism and assisting in repressing your appetite.

Dex 3 Side Effects You Need to Know About

When it comes to losing weight, nobody really wants to trade those extra pounds for more severe health risks that can often come with diet pills, so when Dex 3 came along, I really wanted to find out if it was safe and what Dex 3 side effects users should be concerned with.

Many diet pills on the market these days claim to help you lose weight - but at a cost. From tainted ingredients to unproven chemicals, the weight loss industry is flooded with dangerous diet pill ingredients that could result in severe and potentially irreversible side effects because it is a very loosely regulated industry.

Dex 3, however, looks like it's set the bar for all other diet pills to follow, offering clinically proven ingredients for weight loss that are totally safe. It's designed to help both men and women lose weight effectively, and you don't need a doctor's prescription. And from taking Dex 3 personally, to the user reviews I've looked into, it's one of the safest ways to lose weight in 2013.

As stated previously, each ingredient is in its clinically proven concentration, so you can get maximum results with minimal risks. Dex 3 consumer reviews report that side effects are almost non-existent, and if you do experience any side effects, many say that these should fade within a few days as the body adjusts.

How to Use Dex 3 Safely

The best way to use Dex 3 is to take 2 capsules daily. If you find yourself losing weight too quickly, then you can adjust your dosage to just 1 capsule a day.

Increasing your daily dose of Dex 3 will not increase your results, and may in fact cause potentially dangerous side effects.

From my research, I noticed most consumers saw the best results while taking Dex 3 when they participated in regular physical activity and ate a carefully planned diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Purchase Dex 3 Diet Pills Online

You can purchase Dex 3 Diet Pills straight from Amazon.

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How Fast Weight Loss Can Be Achieved

Losing weight is a major struggle for many people especially those who are at the age of 40 years old and above simple because their rate of metabolism tends to become slower. Moreoever, age also causes certain hormonal changes which makes losing weight a lot more difficult. Now this may sound so overwhelming for someone who is just starting to want to push on with having a healthier lifestyle.

Basically, losing weight is not that difficult if you know the science and principles of weight gain and weight loss. The fact is, it is important that whatever you take in or eat, you should be able to metabolize it in order to convert it into energy and sufficient nutrients needed by the various vital organs in your body.

Here are some tips that could greatly help you lose weight.

1. Proper diet

Proper diet means that you should be able to know what you are eating. As much as possible stay away from food which are high in cholesterol. If this is difficult, then I suggest to eat your favorite in moderation. Moreover, it would be great if you could eat a lot of fruit because they could easily suppress your appetite. If possible, you could consult a dietician or a nutritionist so they could provide you with information on how much you should be eating daily.

2. Proper exercise

Exercise is vital in order to again a healthier body. Without proper exercise, the fats in your body will lie dormant and eventually just get bigger and bigger. It is important that you do daily exercises in order to sweat them off and at the same time make your vital organs especially the heart and lungs more active. The more physical exercise you do everyday, the more fats your burn. If you are aiming to trim down your body size, then I would suggest doing cardiovascular exercise simply because they can burn a lot of calories.

3. Proper supplements

When it comes to weight loss supplements, a lot of people usually have their own opinion on what is most effective. On my opinion, it is important that you choose the weight loss supplements that are effective, safe and are proven by the food and drug administration. Also, make sure that you go for ones that have a good reputation.

 Such weight loss supplements that come to mind are raspberry ketones,
 garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean extract 

Johnathan Higdon is a health and wellness blogger. He is considered an expert when it comes to reviewing health products and weight loss practices.
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Losing Weight With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

From the moment you have been given the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), you might have been warned by your doctor that your weight must be kept under control.
 Unfortunately "keeping your weight under control" can be tricky because it is a lot harder than it sounds, especially since your condition is constantly working against you.

With such a diagnosis, it is understood that you have a hormonal imbalance.  
You may already be familiar with the physical complications of this imbalance such as, acne, excessive, facial hair, irregular periods, infertility and of course, weight ga 

 This article however, is not meant to tackle all the complications, rather just the main one that causes the most discomfort because it cannot be treated with creams, tweezers or fertility drugs. That is, because the only effective treatment against weight gain in PCOS sufferers is CONTROL.

The hormone Insulin which is produced by the pancreas to regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body is the main culprit in increasing weight in PCOS sufferers. This is mainly due to the fact that the body cannot effectively use the hormone. In each person with PCOS, the interaction of Insulin in the body may be different. Due to the hormonal imbalance, the person may be producing more insulin than is required or the body is unable to effectively use the insulin produced. If either is the case, it can be easily remedied with a prescribed drug called Metformin. Whilst the drug with regulate the imbalance, it does not solve the problem of excessive weight gain.

As stated earlier, the only effective treatment is CONTROL. Unlike most people who do not have the condition, people with PCOS are prone to being 'Cravers', with the main craved drug of choice being 'sugar'. In normal women, around the time their period is due to start, they experience a heightened craving for sugar, which usually goes away after the period has concluded, but for PCOS women, it is a never ending struggle. Giving into this craving leads to over consumption of sugar and of course weight gain.

So how can PCOS women fight these cravings, using control to lose weight?

The hard truth that PCOS women have to face is that they must commit to a healthy sugar reduced lifestyle, if they expect to have children and avoid obesity or worse. I have found that with the help of prescribed medication such as Metformin, the fight is made a lot easier. The second step however, is reducing your portions. Humans tend to eat more than they need anyways. For people with healthy digestive systems and metabolism, excess fat and sugar is eliminated, but for PCOS women, unwanted fat hangs on like a leach.

So what do you eat and how much?

There is no right or wrong answer here. It is impossible to create a standard portion size or a specific diet because every one is different. The best advice is to go back to the basic food chart. The more vegetables, lean protein and crunchy fruits such as apples, in your diet, the better. Dairy should be avoided as it contains hormones which can further disrupt your imbalance. Soya also as this has been said to affect fertility. Sugar should ideally be replaced with Xylitol (a sugar alternative).

I have found that it is easy to control your portions by following the rule: Your portions should not exceed the size of your fist. This may sound strange but think of the size of your stomach, in reality, it isn't much bigger than your fist, so why consume more than that at one meal. The good news is that with smaller portions, the frequency can be increased up to six times a day, so there is no fear of starving.

Diet aside, movement is vital. You should aim to get at least 30 - 60 minutes exercise per day. This can be increased to 120 minutes for those who are physically able. Always consult your doctor before increasing the intensity of your exercise. You don't need to get a gym membership or any special equipment to ensure that you move consistently for the required time per day. Jog on the spot or jog at the park. Walking is also more effective than you think. Search for simple exercise videos online and incorporate them into your daily activities.

Control and Discipline are your best defense when it comes to keeping your weight under control. You have to make the decision to change your lifestyle for the healthier in order to reduce the risk of obesity, infertility and other diseases associated with excessive weight gain. You may not be able to change the diagnosis, but with controlling your portions, reducing and or eliminating sugar from your diet, adding exercise and taking prescribed medication, you can effectively change the prognosis.

Losing weight with PCOS is possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.c

Three Common Foods: Healthy or Harmful

There are many foods that are often misunderstood. Are they healthy or not? Nutrition is a difficult science where you can "prove" two opposing theories. Here are three very common foods that I frequently get questions about. Are they good additions to a healthy diet or should they be avoided at all costs. I will try to give you some information so you can make your own personal decision about whether they are right for you.

1. Eggs: 
For many years, I was afraid to eat eggs. My cholesterol was very close to 200 and I was told eggs are high in cholesterol and mine was about at the limit before my traditional medicine doctor would want to start medication. So that meant very few, if any eggs for me. I started eating egg whites because I learned that all the cholesterol and fat lived in the yolk. Well, guess what, that wasn't the whole story. I am so happy that we have learned more over the years. I love eggs and I eat them every day, including the yolks. Here's what the latest research says.

Eggs are an amazing source of micronutrients. They really are a super food. Each egg is about 75 calories, 6 grams of fat, and 6 grams of protein. They are a great source of choline for brain health and are loaded with vitamins including A,E,D,K beta carotene and Omega 3 fatty acids, all good stuff. Don't just eat the whites. While most of the fat and cholesterol lives in the yolk, so do all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Eat your yolks!

2. Coconut Oil:
Several years ago you may remember all the hype about coconut oil and the fact that it is a highly saturated fat and you should avoid it at all costs. I remember thinking I can never have movie popcorn again, so sad. Well now you may be hearing that despite being a saturated fat, coconut oil is the new health food and you should switch to cooking with coconut oil and in fact use all coconut containing products. So what's the deal? Is coconut oil good for you?

Here are the facts. Coconut oil has been found to help normalize blood lipids and protect the liver from damage due to toxins we take in every day. It has been known to possibly help prevent kidney and gall bladder disease, and is associated with improved blood sugar and insulin control. Those benefits may even help in the prevention and management of diabetes. In addition, coconut oil has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Coconut oil is thought to help strengthen mineral absorption, which is important for healthy teeth and bones, and can also help improve the condition and appearance of the scalp, hair and skin when ingested or topically applied.

Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of lauric acid. This is a fatty acid found in mother's milk that has an antiviral effect in the body. Coconut oil is naturally stable at higher temperatures so it is a good oil to use for cooking. Newer studies are also showing that coconut oil is beneficial for the thyroid, boosts metabolism and actually does not raise cholesterol.

Other reported benefits of coconut oil include:

· Improvements in symptoms of Alzheime

· Improvements in skin conditions and hair health

· Kills bacteria and viruses

· Improves diabetes

· Promotes weight loss and preserves muscle mas

3. Coffee/caffeine:

Some of the benefits of caffeine include enhanced concentration, increased energy and alertness and even improved mood and memory.

There are also studies that show enhanced athletic performance allowing you to exercise for longer durations. Caffeine has also shown reduced muscle pain by releasing hormones that suppress the sensation of pain. There are also antioxidants in caffeine that help prevent free radical damage. Caffeine keeps dopamine levels active which could help prevent diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

With all that good stuff, you may feel like this gives you a free pass to drink as much of your favorite brew as you like. But before you go overboard, you might consider the downside before you reach for that second or third cup.

Caffeine is a stimulant and can cause increased contractions of stomach muscles causing all kinds of GI distress like abdominal pain, diarrhea and increased bowel movements.
 Drinking caffeine is sort of like borrowing energy. Your energy level goes up and then usually plummets which makes you feel like you need more or crave it.
 It's sort of the same response as eating sugar. Also, caffeine has been shown to decrease blood flow to the heart during exercise, cause jitters, sleep problems and even heart palpitations.
 Caffeine has also been shown to increase blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics and be a leading cause of heartburn or acid reflux in many people.
 Multiple cups of coffee can raise blood pressure for several hours, which could be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

 Caffeine consumption affects the body all day, magnifying stress levels by increasing stress hormones.

Coffee can inhibit absorption of nutrients and cause the excretion of important minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.
 Women can be particularly affected as PMS, osteoporosis, infertility and menopausal symptoms can all be exacerbated by caffeine consumption.
 As little as 1 cup a day can dehydrate the body, contribute to aging of the skin and kidneys and slow the ability of the liver to detoxify toxins.
So what should you do? Well here's my recommendation. I would suggest that a little caffeine can't hurt too much. However some of you are dependent on it and can't get through the day without it. If this sounds like you, you should probably cut back.
 I experimented a lot with this myself.
 I was having problems sleeping. So I took a good look at my caffeine consumption. I was having 2 cups a day, the second one at around 3 pm.
 So I switched that pm cup to decaf. That helped a little with the sleep. But I also noticed I was having a little less GI distress as well.
 Then I went to half caffeine in the am and that was even better. So finally I decided to go completely caffeine free.
 That didn't really have any effect on my sleep.
 But I did notice a drop in energy. So that's about where I am today. I am down to one cup of half-caf a day in the morning. If that sounds like nothing to you,
 I assure you that after a few headaches and other withdrawal symptoms, you will feel better.
 By the way, decaf really does taste the same as regular coffee.

You'll get used to it.

 Occasionally I might sneak in another cup of decaf or half-caf in the afternoon. But boy, when you are taking in very little caffeine, even just a small increase makes a huge difference 

One time I went to Dunkin Donuts for my afternoon decaf and they neglected to do the "decaf" piece of it.

Oh my goodness. Within half an hour my heart was racing and I couldn't even hold my hand out straight without shaking.
 That doesn't really sound like something that's good for you. So the bottom line here is this: Most people drink too much coffee and depend on it for many things, especially energy. In looking at the pros and cons, I would suggest cutting back as much as you can, especially if you suffer in any way from tummy trouble or sleep problems. Find what works for you personally, but for improved health and sleep, cut back.

I hope I've cleared up a few questions for you. In the end you need to make up your own mind as many of the above-mentioned foods have studies supporting their health benefits and studies supporting their negative effect on the body. Hopefully I've given you enough good information to make good educated choices for your own healthy diet.

January is the time when everyone makes resolutions to lose weight. Maybe you've gained a little over the holidays. I can help you with that. As someone who has yoyo dieted over 400 pounds, I have the experience necessary to help you lose weight and keep it off. Go to my website and sign up for a free nutrition consultation. I will give anyone who mentions this article 20% off the total cost of the program if you sign up in the month of January and pay in full. I do skype and phone coaching for anyone who is not local to my office. Sign up today!

So You Want to Drop Weight?

Reasons to lose weight:

1. To love & be happier with yourself for having a body that allows you do things you couldn't do before such as running, hiking & rock climbing.

2. To be able to put on skinny jeans, short shorts/other tight clothing or go to the beach in a bikini and not feel shame and embarrassment over your body. Clothes will be more comfortable, cheaper and easier to find.

3. To stop feeling like you've failed at life some how and feel more confident and less afraid to go out more.

4. To climb the stairs and get to the top without having to stop halfway to catch your breath.

5. To be able to get on the scales and be absolutely proud of your achievements and your new weight.

6. To have friends, family and co-workers compliment on how good you look instead of criticizing you.

7. To be able to actually smile at the camera & love it when people take your photo. No more running and hiding!

8. No more achy breaky back! No more sore arms or legs! No more knee problems! No more sore feet!

9. To walk into a room and be the healthiest looking person there.

10. To be able to eat something and not feel guilty about it the next day or have people stare at you while your at the buffet.

11. To be able to walk in the room and not worry about having people stare at you because your obese.

12. To Not have people putting you down and hurting your feelings by telling you that you need to lose weight.

13. To be able to actually enjoy shopping & buy whatever you want because it finally looks good on you.

14. To have more energy to spend time doing the things you love to do such as dancing,surfing etc.

15. To minimize the chances of stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes or cancer so that you can live longer and embrace life.

16. play with your children without being out of breath within 30 seconds.

17. To be able to look in the mirror and look like a brand new person.

18. Get rid of the double chin and round chubby face.

19. Hurry up and lose it all so you can forget about having to lose weight.

20. Get a sexy toned stomach. Who wouldn't want to flaunt some abs right?

21. Won't break a chair when you sit on a flimsy plastic one.

22. To be able to move walk faster with ease.

23. You will be able to swing on a swing without worrying about breaking it or get in the car and put the seat belt on with ease or even ride a motorbike without having your extra weight hanging over the side of the seat.

24. To set a good example for other over weight people or children and even encourage them to lose weight too.

25. To be able to ride a horse without worrying about hurting it.

26. To be able to reach your shoes and tie them without any hassle.

27. To be able to get on a plane without trouble.

28. To be able to reach your toes so you can clip your toenails without any problems.

29. To not get upset when someone asks how much you weigh

30. To have people tell you that they wish they had a body like you

These are are some of the hundreds of reasons to lose weight. Every now and then take these and visualize yourself in a few months from now and think about how good it will feel to make these achievements in your life. Focusing on these will help you keep you motivated.

 Article Source:

Advice Regarding New Year's Resolutions

A majority of New Year's resolutions are abandoned within the first three months of the year. Research also shows that many of these resolutions are repeated by the same people year after year for about one decade, without ever achieving the desired result.
 Chances are, after reading those two previous sentences you are not exactly feeling encouraged and motivated to try one now. Despite those statistics, there is room for plenty of optimism that you can be successful. The caveat is that you will have to go about succeeding in several new, and some uncomfortable, ways.
One common reason people fail in reaching their goal(s) is the flawed thinking that you have to make big adjustments to your current routine to achieve the results you desire. In many cases just the opposite is true.

Another fatal flaw in resolutions is that you set a time-line that is unrealistic, which virtually assures your failure before you even start. Just imagine how few parents would succeed if their goal were to have their newborn walking and talking by the time they are four months old? Now, if their goal had been to have their newborn walking and talking by the time they are two years old, chances are almost all of them would have been successful. In fact, in most cases the newborns with an appropriate goal like two years would have walked and talked sooner than the ones with an inappropriate goal like four months.

Starting a goal of changed behavior is generally the hardest step in the process. The more easily achievable the steps are at the start, the more confidence you will gain in your abilities, and the more you will eventually begin to want to take on.

The way our mind works (if we allow it to control us as most people do) is that it perceives any change as a threat. The bigger the change you are trying to make, the bigger effort that your brain will naturally expend to defeat you. When you try to make a drastic change, you send an alert to a part of your brain called the amygdala that you are under attack.
 The amygdala is where the fight or flight response lives and is one of the most primitive mechanisms in our brain. Its sole purpose is to protect our body from harm, so it only has two modes of operation: React and Overreact.

The last thing you need when you are undergoing change is more obstacles, and if you activate your amygdala you are likely fighting a losing battle. Let me give you a simple practical example.
 Let's say your goal is to lose "X" number of pounds this year. Now let's say you decide you want to do it as fast as you can. You decide that you are going to exercise more (which will likely increase your hunger) and cut out all but one meal a day to achieve your goal. This is clearly a large threat (to your amygdale) and will be seen as an attempt to starve your body to death.

Now let's say you want to lose the same amount of weight as in the previous example and you will be thrilled if you reach success at the end of the year.

If I were working with you we would start with about as small of steps as you could imagine. Let's say you already eat a lot of salad and I suggest you eat less salad with your meals.
 Most people when given this advice either order fewer salads or decide to leave a few bites on their plate whenever they eat salad. Both are much more difficult ways of following my advice than necessary. It's difficult for most people to avoid or leave food on their plates.
 So my advice initially would be to take a bite of salad with your fork and either give it to whom you are dining with or throw it away before you eat anything.

This serves several purposes including keeping your amygdala asleep. If you learn to keep your amygdala asleep your brain will be tricked into using the cerebral cortex, which loves challenges. So in essence if you try and make a big change your brain will automatically fight you because your amygdale is activated and is where fear lives inside of us. Conversely, if you keep it in the dark, you will be using your cerebral cortex, which will act like a friend helping you accomplish whatever challenges you put in front of it.

Our brains control us way more than we realize and unless you actively learn how to use your brain for your purposes, it will win every battle while making you think you are in control, and that all the decisions you are making are yours; they aren't! Our brain always invents reasons after the fact, that makes sense to us and we ignorantly buy into them without question. We put enormous value on how we feel, but how we feel is simply the outcome of how we process the thoughts in our head. Feelings and thoughts are not facts!

If you want to reach your goals this year, start adopting habits that put your brain in neutral and allow you to run the show for a change. It will be uncomfortable at first, but eventually you will look back and wonder how you ever lived the way you did before.

Now make it a happy New Year!

You can follow Sam on Twitter @SuperTaoInc

Sam Obitz is a leader in the use and development of mental skills that help you achieve peak performance. Visit The Mind Side Blog at
Article Source: http://EzineArticles

10 Steps to Get Rid of Belly Fat

So you want to get rid of that stubborn belly fat? For years people have jumped from one fad diet to the next, but when does it end? Burning stubborn belly fat doesn't have to be rocket science.
 If you follow these steps, I will GUARANTEE you'll lose that belly fat quick!

Most people think that you can lose belly fat by doing sit ups.

 This just isn't the case and the truth is that it starts and ends in the kitchen. Without proper diet, you'll be wasting your time and it'll be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

Below I will outline some good steps to take to start your journey on weight loss. It isn't just to reduce belly fat, it is to reduce the overall fat content of your body. Once we kick start that process, the rest will follow.

How to reduce belly fat:

Step 1: Understanding weight loss.

In order to reach the goal that you want you have to understand what to do, and then go do it. This is the formula for success. The first part of course is to educate yourself on what needs to be done. You're already on that part of the journey seeing as how you stumbled across this article.

Our bodies work like a computer. You download more games, software, movies and your computer begins to collect all of this information and memory is used. However, it is now running slower and not as good as when you first got it. Why? It's because its clogged with useless information, taking up a lot of memory. If you start to delete some of the memory the computer will start to run faster and more efficient.

Our bodies, like computers, collect "memory" or really, calories from food. Our food gives us the energy to keep going on a daily basis. When you overeat and clutter your body with unneeded energy, it saves some for later because its already got enough to run on. When you do this, you gain weight. However, on the flip side if we take away some energy(calories) our bodies will start to burn what it has already for its dose of energy.

So, now that we got through that let's start putting it to good use.

Step 2: Find out how many calories(energy) your body needs to stay at the weight you are.
This is such an important step because it is the foundation for the diet that we will create for ourselves. To find out how many calories you need, simply conduct a Google search with the phrase "daily calorie maintenance calculator" and many free options will come up. Pick one and start to enter your information (height, weight, activity level) so that the calculator can tell you how much you need.
Great, once you have that its time to put everything together. So, let's say that you're 6'1 ft weight at 210 lbs. The calculator told you that you need about 2,300 calories a day to stay where you are. We are going to cut 20-30% from this number to lose weight. That's about 460 calories. So, if we cut 460 calories from 2,300 we can GUARANTEE weight loss, it's that simple.

Step 3: Sign up to a calorie tracking website.

The beauty of these websites is that they are completely free and offer such great communities for people to come together to accomplish the common goal of losing weight. Two examples include myfitnesspal and caloriecount. When you sign up, you enter your information and they set you up with how many calories you have to burn each day and you go on from there.

You enter in the food you ate for the day and it tells you all the nutritional values as well as how many calories you have left remaining for the day. This is crucial because if you're able to maintain a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight. This is science! It is fact!

These websites also have such an encouraging community whose main focus is the same as yours! You already have something in common with everyone so why not make friends and make this journey that much better.

Step 4: What to eat?

The biggest question of them all. You aren't going to believe what I'm going to say but I assure you that science will never let you down. You can eat... WHATEVER you want. That's right. I said it.
Now, let's not get carried away. Do you think that eating 10 slices of pizza a day will help you lose weight? Of course not. You have to always be thinking in terms of how many calories you have that day. Let's say you have a very light breakfast and lunch. You come home from work and haven eaten anything. You estimate you have about 1200 calories left. There's a lot of leeway here and you can basically eat anything you want in moderation.
Even if you grab 2 slices of pizza ~400 calories, you'll still be losing weight for that day because you have created a large enough deficit for this to happen. It's not rocket science people!

Step 5: How often to eat?

There is a huge myth about eating every 3 hours and keeping your metabolism high. This is true and if you do eat every 3 hours more power to you. However, today in our busy lives we're lucky if we get to sit down for 3 meals a day.

Don't stress over WHEN to eat, stress over about WHAT to eat and HOW MUCH.

Remember, anything in moderation is fine and as long as you're keeping with your calories goal, you'll be on your way to a slimmer you.

Another myth is that eating at night will make you gain more weight. This couldn't be more wrong! Eating at night is just like eating at any other time in the day. Also, if you find yourself getting home at night with 1000+ calories left for the day don't starve yourself because you think eating at night is bad. Grab a few healthy snacks and always remember to keep track of your calories no matter what

Step 6: Water, water, water
Drink Water! And plenty of it! Sometimes our bodies think that we're hungry when in reality we're just really dehydrated. Water is the life fuel of planet earth. If we ran out of water, we wouldn't last for more than a month, tops.
Instead of drinking extra calories, replace any soft drink in your diet with water. You'll be amazed at how effective this is at cutting weight. If you drink a can of soda a day, you'll be taking in about 200 calories a day roughly. If you multiply that by 30 days, you'll get a little over 3,500 calories... a pound of fat! So, if you start by eliminating that soda, you'll be saving a pound of fat a month. Not bad at all.

Step 7: Lift Weights

Yes, you knew this was coming. Lifting weights isn't absolutely necessary for burning belly fat, but it makes it THAT much quicker. It is known that a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat, even when you're sitting down or sleeping. That being said, the more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you'll be burning, doing NOTHING.

How awesome is that? Also, whenever you work out you'll be burning tons of calories that will actually let you eat a little more of what you want to. You won't have to be too picky about what to eat because you'll know that you'll just burn those calories off.

The calorie count websites that I mentioned earlier all have calculators that let you log what you worked out and for how long. In turn, they'll tell you how many calories you burned and they'll add that to how many calories you have left for the day. Don't skip out on weights if you have access to them. Not only will they help you lose weight, your body will look much better once you've lost it.

Step 8: Cardio!

Cardio should be in everyone's fitness schedule. It is so good for your heart health and also great for losing weight. If you add only 20-30 minutes of cardio a day, you'll have such an easier time losing weight.

Some types of cardio include walking, running, the elliptical, biking, etc. Don't be afraid to mix it up because it keeps your body guessing. Cardio is also good because it puts your body into a mode where it'll keep burning calories well after you're done with your work out.

One of my favorite cardio workouts is actually jump roping. This easy to do workout burns TONS of calories and its actually FUN! A jump rope session of about 20-30 min can easily burn 400+ calories.

Step 9: Take pictures and toss out your scale!

Get rid of that scale. Your weight is going to fluctuate on a daily basis and if we have a scale nearby we're going to want to see our results. Well, if you don't have a scale how can you see results? Pictures.

Pictures are great because they remind you of the progress and you can see it visually. Once you see your progress you'll stay focused and motivated. It gives you the confidence that what you're doing IS working.

The trick is to not take pictures too often. Try to take 1 every 2 weeks. Every 2 weeks take a picture and track your results. You'll be surprised to see how much your body changes in 2 weeks. Once you see that first picture and you notice subtle changes you'll start to get excited and don't be surprised if you increase your cardio or workout. That's what motivation does.

Step 10: Never give up!

This is the last step, and the most crucial. Many people give up because you don't lose weight overnight. It just isn't possible. You need patience and perseverance to keep consistent. You have to have faith that its working because if you don't, you'll go back to your old overeating habits.

The key is motivation and if you stay motivated daily, you'll realize that each day is one step closer to your goal. If you REALLY want to lose weight you HAVE to put the time and dedication in. Don't take 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. Take 2 baby steps forward every day and soon you'll arrive at your destination.

If you follow these 10 basic steps, you'll definitely lose weight. No matter how long it takes, remember that if you take it one day at a time, you'll get there. Weight loss isn't rocket science, it is BASIC science.

If you get only one thing from this article, remember that it is calories in vs calories out. This is gold! Keep your calories at a deficit and you'll see the weight loss you've always been dreaming about. Good luck on your journey!

Losing weight REALLY is SIMPLE. However, you have to know what you're doing or you'll be stuck in the same place.
If you REALLY want to learn more and educate yourself on weight loss, please visit for a whole bunch of great resources. You'll find, weight loss secrets, tips, customized diet plans, and its all for free! Let's change lives, starting with yours.

Think Well, Live Well

It is Christmas time and of course everyone is focused on gifts and and sales, but what about our health.

 This is the season of giving, but we don't even think to give ourselves one of the best gifts that anyone can give to themselves and that is great health.

 I have struggled for years with being overweight (not obese) and have tried diet pills and different fad diets to help achieve the results that I have sought after.

 However, my attempts have been futile because of the fact that I have not watched what I have put into my body and at what times I put those things into my body.

 Eating certain wheats and nutrients at certain times of the day can leave you feeling too weak of even sleepy to be a productive citize.

It is important to remember to stay hydrated and to steer clear of certain foods at certain times of the day.

 Timing is everything because without it the best laid plans will go to waste.

 I was never the star athlete, but I played on the team.

 I was never the strongest guy in the room, but I certainly was not the weakest because I always thought that being in the middle was just right

 Striving for goals and setting them are a great way to set yourself up for success, but not all the time.

 I have tried to write things on my fridge, leave little sticky notes around the apartment and even put alerts in my phone, but nothing will happen if you do not know the what time you need to make your plans and take action.

It is important that you focus on what makes you happy first.

 For many people it is a number like "I want to be 200 pounds" or "I want to be below 150 pounds" however what good is a number that may or may not be an indicator of one's overall health.

 People are built differently from their metabolism to their bodies ability to carry weight and carry it well.

 I had to stop looking at numbers and start looking at the things that mattered most like how well I was able to move, how well i felt and what body type was I trying to achieve.

 These are the things that have to take precedent or nothing else will ever be enough.

 And in order to know how to get to that point if has to be a combination of the foods we take in and the times we put them in our body.

 Which foods? what times? well stay tuned for more and take a quick look at this site in progress.

Living the life you want is a matter of timing and choice; right time and personal choices

 Article Source:

Fat Loss In The New Year

The reason you start does matter, but other reasons are sure to pop up along the way.
 One aspiration or goal such as losing fifty lbs. in eighteen months is sure to get you started, but I strongly advise to break that goal down and focus on achieving seemingly minuscule goals.
 Let me give you an example.
 I had a client seek my help on the third day of January, 2013. Let's call her Cynthia.

-Cynthia didn't care for exercise, but was finally fed up with the way she looked and was ready for a change.

- She didn't even like to "glisten" (sweat) as she called it.

- I asked her what her goals were as I do with everyone and she told me that she wanted to "get in better shape". That was simply not going to cut it.

- After asking her a few follow up questions we were able to clarify exactly what she wanted to accomplish and what "getting in better shape" actually meant.

You see, it is very hard to stay accountable to your goals if they are not specific and based on a timeframe. Let's get back to Cynthia.
 We figured out that she wanted to lose forty pounds and eight percent body fat by January, 2014.
 I further broke this goal into smaller monthly goals. All she had to do to reach her big goal was lose 3.33 lbs. a month! Her response: that should be no problem at all! She was even more excited when we further broke this down to losing under a pound per week
 I am so infinitely proud to say that Cynthia decided to train with me and by this day December 23, 2013 she has lost 32 pounds.
 I could not be more proud and she surprised everyone, including herself.

My purpose for writing this article is to attempt to dissuade you from entertaining the skeptics who downplay your resolution to exercise consistently.
 If you find the urge to take advantage of the positive energy of the resolution season, then do it! Ride this wave as far as it takes you.
 When the time comes to catch another wave (reason or goal) you'll be ready to keep surfing.
 I have a professional obligation to say that you should find someone to help you break down your goals and hatch a plan.
 Is it best that you find a trainer? Yes, it is, but it doesn't have to be. It could just as easily be anyone with considerable exercise experience that has a positive influence on you.
 Make the right decision and choose hope and optimism over cynicism, no matter how many times you have tried and failed! Once you dedicate yourself this fitness thing is too easy.

Go to to download your free report on getting 6-pack abs. My name is Patrick Williams and I am a fat loss expert and personal trainer in Sherman Oaks, CA. I am the owner/operator of FuelRX Fitness on Riverside Dr. Our goal is to help Sherman Oaks be the fittest community in California.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.

Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss?

The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements - hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells).
Add extra oxygen to the body fat, and in theory it should break down into two well known substances:
  1. Hydrogen & oxygen molecules (H2O - water, which enters the blood stream, goes through the kidneys and is then excreted via urination); &
  2. Carbon & oxygen molecules (CO2 - carbon dioxide, which is excreted via respiration).
Oxygen or Ozone Therapies are used by a number of alternative medicine practitioners around the world. It is more popular in Europe than in the USA. Practitioners are also found in Canada and Mexico.
Despite being banned in some countries and certainly debunked by large sections of the "conventional" medical profession, there is plenty of evidence that oxygen therapy produces health benefits for many conditions far cheaper, much faster and without the side effects of patent drugs.
Oxygen therapy is usually administered in one of two ways:
  1. A facial mask attached to an oxygen tank, so that the patient breaths in oxygen for many hours of the day; or
  2. Daily sessions of diluted hydrogen peroxide administered via an intravenous drip.
Given the straightforward chemical composition of body fat discussed above, does Oxygen Therapy actually work for weight loss? I decided to contact a number of practitioners in various parts of the world and ask them if, when treating patients for other ailments using oxygen therapies, weight loss was ever seen as a side-effect of their treatment.

All the doctors who replied responded that no such weight loss factor has ever been observed that they could credit to the oxygen therapy itself, and not the condition they were treating.

It seems that empirical evidence to support the theory that oxygen therapy could reduce body fat into the easily excreted H2O and CO2 is lacking.

Still, not everyone is convinced. The chemistry appears fine on paper, so something is missing in the implementation. Finding that missing factor could be crucial in the battle of the bulge, the quest for weight loss, and conquering obesity.

Books have been written promoting special breathing techniques for weight loss. Although there are sceptics, there are also many people around the world who swear by the success they have achieved in losing weight via these breathing techniques.

The theory behind these breathing techniques is not merely due to the intake of the oxygen, but that the human body's metabolic process expels waste matter, including carbon dioxide, when we breath out. Our air intake is higher in oxygen than what we expire, and we breath out more carbon dioxide than we breath in.

The breathing technique therefore seeks to encourage and maximize the expulsion of carbon dioxide from our bodies - carbon dioxide that is the waste matter created when the oxygen dissolves body fat.

Personally, I must admit to being impressed though not thoroughly convinced. It is quite reasonable to assume that the people who are disciplined enough to follow this breathing technique diligently for several weeks or months are probably motivated enough to also be doing other things (dietary, psychologically, etc.)
 that will be causing the weight loss.

Still, it fits the basic (unproven) theory that adding oxygen to body fat should result in weight loss.

Furthermore, it is harmless, so long as adequate dietary intake of antioxidant vitamins and minerals are being consumed. Whether the actual results are from the technique itself or of a more psychosomatic nature is immaterial if it works, is free and available to all, and has no adverse side effects.

By all means, add these deep breathing exercises to your overall toolbox of synergistic weight loss treatments.

Still, there is one more form of oxygen therapy (not usually recognized as such) that even the sceptics would have trouble disputing.

It is more commonly called exercise. More accurately, aerobic exercise. (Aerobic simply means "air breathing".) It is exercise that makes you huff and puff, deepening your breathing. It is and always has been one of the most fundamental parts of any successful weight loss program.

Trevor Johnson is a Masters qualified researcher cum electronic publisher with over twenty years personal experience in the battle against obesity. Objective information and the pros and cons of many types of weight loss therapies is found at his "Weight Loss, Dieting & Obesity" site:
Article Source: http://EzineAr